A Catholic Community celebrating acceptance and a lifelong love of learning.
Mission Statement
Our mission is:
To provide within a Catholic community a positive, challenging and value rich learning environment that encourages all students to strive and develop a lifelong love of learning.
Therefore we are committed to:
Purposeful Learning
- Contemporary learning connected to real life experiences
- Identifying individual strengths and responding to their needs
- Developing competent thinkers and learners
Exemplary Professional Practice
- All staff engaging in ongoing Professional Learning
- All staff working according to professional standards(Victorian Institute of Teaching -VIT)
- All staff providing a positive role model to the school community ‐ students, parents and fellow staff
Wellbeing Support
- Providing a safe and caring environment that includes and respects the diversity of all
Building Community
- Strengthening educational partnerships between school and families
- Broadening our links with the wider community through active participation
- Providing a warm and welcoming environment within the school community